entry form

On completion of your artwork, please fill in the form below, to enter as an artist in the 2024 Flotsam + Jetsam Exhibition. If you would prefer, you may download a copy of the entry form and drop it in to Latitude Jewellers, 169 Marine Terrace Geraldton.

2024 Theme: Plantasia

Terms and Conditions: Artwork must be an original piece. The Artist must submit their own work. Submitting this registration form is considered as consent from the Artist. One registration per art piece and a maximum of three pieces can be submitted. Only Flotsam and Jetsam can be used, however materials to mould/fix/glue etc are acceptable for Flotsam and Jetsam Recycling Award. Registration forms must be fully completed when submitted. Be able to commit to the dates outlined below as Key Dates.
