First Photo Shoot of the Year:  And then a Horse turned up!

First Photo Shoot of the Year: And then a Horse turned up!

It's 6am – the morning of one of our photoshoots… I ask myself “who chose this time?”

As I rise and shine to my alarm and take my cuppa tea I did question again why did we need to do this so early… I didn’t really need to be there but I do get a bit of fomo when we have photoshoots - especially when my whole team is there….

So I headed down the beach – today taking my daughter Olive with me who loves to catch up with Lorenna our model – and Olive wanted to give a hand if needed.

We arrived at the beach to be faced with a 20 knot breeze – but it was slightly warm and sun was just rising.. as I took a couple of test pics the colours were amazing – it was then our photographer Siquoia from Sikoya Design admitted it was her who wanted the early start.

As we all sip on our coffees and have a little debrief we are off ready to start the shoot.. on these days I just really take behind the scenes photos.. and everything was going fine – the music was playing and shoot was happening.

Pia and her team

I stayed for a couple of hours then headed off to take my daughter to school then I had to teach yoga at 9am… after yoga I when to our showroom Latitude Jewellers and continued on working about my day around 11am Mariska pops in returing the jewellery from the shoot and she says “Sooo, we went a little off course today after you left” I was a little excited and curious ! then she shows me a picture of Lorenna standing by a horse… I was like what the heck!...This beach is actually a beach that horses are allowed to swim at… so on this morning a lady brought down two horses – one was a racehorse called "Hugo" – brown and shiny muscly very beautiful horse but there was also a much smaller horse standing along side  – white in colour with golden hair  – Lorenna immediately was drawn to this horse… the owners were very friendly and pretty happy we were photographing their horses too… the owner explained that the white horse is actually a companion horse for the racehorse – "the racehorse doesn’t go anywhere with our her".. we thought this story was just so cute – the white horse’s name is Sunflower.

You know I sat back myself after hearing this story – then Mariska showed me the photos – these horses gave everyone involved many happy smiles.

Lorenna with Sunflower

Even Lorenna mentioned she is normally a little scared of horses but for some reason this horse made her feel calm, brave and instilled a sense of security within her. Most importantly it made her smile.

I feel like the universe was definitely on our side that morning – it was like receiving a little blessing from above.

We captured a few fun moments from our mobile phones which I've shared here but we are very much looking forward to seeing what our professional photographer captured on this morning.  I'm left wondering now who will be the star of the show, our jewellery, Lorenna or maybe it's going to be Sunflower the Companion horse?

Hope you enjoyed the read.
Founder of Latitude Jewellers
Pia Boschetti The Girl Who Grows The Pearl

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