FLOTSAM AND JETSAM 2020 – Artwork is now being received call the Latitude Gallery Jewellers to book your time. We need all entries in by 29th May 2020.
Feel free to email us at info@latitudegallery.com.au if you have any questions. You can also email your entry to that email too with a photo of your piece.
Thanks for your patience!
Below: Blog.
Hello my fellow Flotsammers….
What can I say it has been crazy out there at the moment. Events getting cancelled left right and centre. When I first heard of this I was thinking this virus won't affect us … little old Geraldton. But it seems the whole world seems to of come together to try and solve this phase we are all going through.
Over the last few days I have been wondering about what the heck we are going to do about Flotsam and Jetsam Art Exhibition 2020 because there is no way we could hold an opening night like we usually do where sometimes we have over 100 people in close quarters in the gallery.
Initially thinking “oh well we just have to cancel” for the safety of the community. I rang Karl Monaghan who has been involved in Flotsam since its debut 9 years ago and had a chat with him to discuss cancelling the exhibition. He came up with an idea that we still carry on with Flotsam event but doing it differently… as you know Karl enters in competitions all over the world and they already live stream the awards night. Sometimes he has watched an award event for around 8 Hours…. But I'm not going to do 8 hours (sorry Karl but that’s true dedication to your craft). What we WILL do is have all the entries photographed by Karl professionally to place up on the website before opening night. We would also endeavour to have a professional photo of you with your piece of art then on opening we will live broadcast on youtube and facebook where you can join in our event live and make comments whilst viewing and yes we will be there to respond.
It will be on this live broadcast we will ANNOUNCE the WINNERS. This is something that world class galleries do and we are going to join their world of communication.
ARE YOU Still Interested?
To make our job easier we would ask you to email us a photo of your artwork along with the words that go with your artwork. We need the photo prior to entry so we can organise when you can drop it off. Once it is dropped off we will sterilise with a spray.
We also will only be allowing 15 people in the gallery at a time and that includes staff. What we are doing this year is spreading the word on flotsam because we have to go online to a much more professional level.
I would love you all to come along on this new journey.
This year we chose to make a short movie about flotsam and as much as we like picking up rubbish and recycling there is so much more meaning about Flotsam. We have discovered this over the years.
WHAT does FLOTSAM mean to YOU? We may be able to get our movie maker Cian Salmon to interview some people to include in the short film. Lets make this year about the people who enter and why.
This year we have the opportunity to communicate our thoughts through the short film we are making.
Let’s make the Flotsam and Jetsam 2020 something different.
At Latitude Gallery Jewellers we are adapting to our circumstances, thinking outside the square and doing the best we can with the situation we are in.
- You will need to advise us when you will bring in your artwork.
- We will sterilise your artwork.
- Email us your words and description of piece if you possible (this makes it easier for us to write up)
- We will be limiting the amount of people in the gallery at one time. (15 people max) please call so we can liaise a time for drop off.
- Your artwork will be professionally photographed and uploaded to our website.
- The date for our live online opening will be delayed to 18th April 2020.
- The public will be able to VOTE ONLINE for the People’s Choice Award.
Let me know your interest
At info@latitudegallery.com.au
Mobile 0499 647 601
We also like to thank all our sponsors that make this event happen
Batavia Coast Maritime Heritage Association
Pia Boschetti
Latitude Gallery Jewellers
Carol-Anne White said:
Hi Pia
I just thought I better check to see what was happening. Great idea, love that we will still get to exhibit, I’ve almost finished mine. Will send you the blurb and pic hopefully tomorrow and can probably drop off on Monday – to you or Karl if that is easier?
March 29, 2020
Julie Hooper said:
Pia. In disaster we find new and better ways to do things and stay connected. Great idea and I am sure everyone will be in need of a flotsam and jetsam type of night by then. It will be fab.
March 24, 2020
Juliet Camerer said:
Hi Pia can I drop mine off on Monday, let me know what time suits you best 😊
March 20, 2020
Julie Ann Simpson said:
how very brilliant 😊
March 20, 2020
Heather Beswick said:
This is so awesome and yes yes yes will finish piece enter online and follow your protocols yay and high fives to you all best wishes heather Beswick 🌍🌍🌍
March 20, 2020
Kellie Criddle said:
So Excited to see the exhibition this year!
March 20, 2020